Wild Flowers, originally titled "Yaban Çiçekleri", is a Drama TV series , which premiered on March 25, 2024 , available for streaming on atv. It consists of 1 season, featuring 20 episodes.
The series will tell the story of a childhood love story between Kılıç and Deniz. After years, Kilic returned to his hometown after leaving to study law in Istanbul, where his path will cross with Deniz once again.
Seasons & Episodes
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Kılıç does not give the factory to Ela because he does not want her to team up with Gökhan. Canan, who is ashamed of her phone, buys and sells the phone her mother kept and buys a new phone for herself. When Kılıç learns that Ela made an agreement with Gökhan in exchange for the olive groves, he offers her to sell the olive groves to him and they agree. Nurten is after the lost phone. Hearing that the phone is lost, Ali learns its location from Canan and goes to get it. Zarife learns that Canan sold the phone and tells the situation to Ela. Ela goes to get the phone, but is surprised to hear that Ali took the phone before her. As he starts to pressure Ali about the phone, Kılıç arrives. There is a showdown between the trio.
Ela has difficulty accepting what happened and blames herself for not being with her father. Kılıç tries to support Ela. After Kılıç announces that Osman Fevzi committed suicide, Nurten returns home and wants everything to go back to the way it was before. A confrontation occurs between Nurten and Berna. Who will be the winner of this confrontation? Osman Fevzi’s lawyer calls Ela, Kenan, Nurten and Kılıç to explain the will. Ela gets very angry when she finds out why Kılıç is in the will. Meanwhile, İhsan’s son Gökhan, who returned from abroad, manipulates Ela and partnership steps are taken. However, Kılıç resists this and turns things around.
Everyone gathers at the Ataman house for Osman Fevzi and Nurten Ataman’s wedding anniversary dinner. Kılıç, İhsan, and Kenan take the opportunity to bring up the hotel to Fevzi. Fevzi Ataman insists on not giving the lands. Kenan lashes out at his father, and Fevzi can’t take it anymore. He slaps his son. After this incident, everyone scatters to their homes. But something happens that no one expects. A gunshot is heard from the Ataman house. Osman Fevzi is shot, and Nurten is standing over him with a gun in her hand. Kenan tries to figure out what happened and thinks about how to tell his sister, Ela. Kılıç helps him with this. Thus, Kılıç and Ela come face to face again after many years.
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