Love Next Door, originally titled "엄마친구아들", is Comedy, & Drama TV series, which premiered on August 17, 2024, available to stream on tvN. It consists of season 1, with episodes 16.
Choi Seung-Hyo (Jung Hae-In) is a renowned young architect in Korea, leading the architecture firm “In.” Despite his professional success and charming personality, he harbors regrets from past encounters with Bae Seok-Ryu. They spent much time together as children due to their mothers’ friendship, even sharing experiences like bathing together at a women’s bathhouse. Now adults, their paths cross again.
Bae Seok-Ryu had a successful academic and professional life, always ranking first in school and excelling as a project manager in a large company. However, she abruptly quit her job and has been unemployed since. She reunites with Choi Seung-Hyo as they navigate their past and present.