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Mahjong Soul Pon☆, originally titled "じゃんたま PONG☆", is Animation, & Comedy TV series, which premiered on April 8, 2022, available to stream on AT-X, ATV, BSN, BSS, CBC, HBC, i-Television, IBC, KUTVC, MBC, MBS, MRO, MRT, NBC, OBS, RBC, RCC, RKB, RKK, RSK, SBC, SBS, tbc, TBS, TUF, Tulip Television, TUY, tys, UTY, YouTube. It consists of seasons 2, with episodes 15.
Straight from the online game Mahjong Soul comes Mahjong Soul Pon. The new comical mini-anime adaptation of the game in which the one-of-a-kind Mahjong players dream big and go for a Thirteen Orphans. The Mahjong Soul Shrine is holding truly extrava-kan-t festivities centering around Ichihime! Are you ready to play the game fair and square? Maybe you can draw more Mahjong soul!