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Renascence, originally titled "凤唳九天", is a Drama, Mystery, & War & Politics TV series, which premiered on September 22, 2020, available to stream on iQiyi, Mango TV. It consists of season 1, with episodes 36.
After being reborn, a woman eradicates the obstacles in her way one at a time in the name of vengeance.
Yao Mo Xin, the queen of Great Chu, falls prey to the schemes in the royal court. After Yao Mo Wan visited her pregnant sister in the palace who was poisoned and dying, her sister’s soul is transferred to her younger sister Yao Mo Wan after they touched each other. At this time, Yao Mowan whose body was occupied by her sister Yao Mo Xin was being chased down by her enemies. She falls off a cliff and loses her memories.