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The Journey of Flower, originally titled "花千骨", is a Drama, & Sci-Fi & Fantasy TV series, which premiered on June 9, 2015, available to stream on Hunan Television. It consists of seasons 2, with episodes 90.
She is the last god of the world and a Lone Star (an unlucky star). On the day of her birth, flowers wilted and the sky turned dark as her mother passed away during childbirth. Therefore, she was named Hua Qian Gu, meaning a thousand flower bones. Her body has a strange scent that attracts and provokes demons. Taking the advice of her dying father, Hua Qian Gu sets out on the journey to seek for a teacher to teach her martial art skills so that she could protect herself. On her journey she met friends such as Dongfang Yu Qing, Meng Xuan Lang, and Sha Qian Mo.