“Dear X” is an upcoming South Korean TV drama series set to be released on the streaming platform TVING in 2025. The drama is based on the webcomic “Chinaehaneun X” by Ban Ji-Woon and is directed by Lee Eung-Bok, known for his work on “Sweet Home.”
The series “Dear X” is highly anticipated, especially due to its strong cast and the involvement of acclaimed director Lee Eung-Bok. Fans are looking forward to seeing how the complex and intense story from the webcomic will be brought to life on screen.
The story revolves around Baek A-Jin, a famous actress with a hidden, darker side. As a child, she faced severe domestic abuse, which led her to become skilled in reading people’s emotions and manipulating them to her advantage. While she usually shows a kind face to the world, she isn’t afraid to reveal her “devilish” side when it serves her purposes.
Yoon Joon-Seo, who has been with Baek A-Jin all her life, is someone she trusts completely. However, despite his loyalty, he decides to bring her down, creating tension in their relationship. On the other hand, Kim Jae-O, who also suffered abuse, feels a deep connection with Baek A-Jin, finding in her a reason to live. The drama also features Re-Na, a former idol and now a successful actress, who has romantic feelings for Yoon Joon-Seo.